Online Classes
private and group classes below
Every session includes:
· check-in about how you feel, your needs for the day
· opening meditation centered on the breath
· yoga asana (postures), pranayama (breathwork)
· closing meditation
· check-out: how did everything feel in your body? -
Starting February 2025
Sunrise Flow - Wednesdays 7:15 - 8:15 am ET
This vinyasa flow class is an intentional way to start your day and do something for yourself midweek. Juicy slow warm ups, sun salutations, standing sequences and balancing postures, hip openers, pranayama and savasana. You'll leave feeling energized yet rejuvenated.
Class begins Wednesday, February 5th. View and sign up on the calendar below.
25% off discount on all class packs - Apply promo code YOGA2025
offer ends February